Design is the new dilemma?

Check it out!

Ruturaj B
3 min readOct 9, 2021
Is this a design issue?

By articles or by the news portals, many of you read that design is affecting many lives in one or another way. But people fail to read the other story of the design which is not promoted by any news portal. News portals are not interested in positive news because people are attracted more towards negative news.

The designs are important because they are how scientific knowledge and technological possibilities are converted into a practical form in products that serve the needs and desires of individuals and communities. One can discuss the design of scientific experiments, theories of nature and society, political systems and individual actions, and everyday products created by engineering. In all of these examples, design may be described generally as the art of forethought by which society seeks to anticipate and integrate all of the factors that bear on the final result of creative human effort.

R.Balkan says,

Design is Human Experience.

Design is Human Effort.

Design is Human Rights.

“Design is making things right.” Design is the human power of conceiving, planning, and bringing to reality all of the products that serve human beings in the accomplishment of their individual and collective purposes.

‘There will always be a need for the craft.” Understand Human Needs More than ever, a deep understanding of human needs and desires is key. Empathy is important, good knowledge of who you are designing for is key. This extends the typical audience metrics of age, profession, and interests. We need to understand what people are after in their lives. What their purpose is. And how we can help them to become a better version of themselves.

Take a Look Into the Future Designers have a gift: We can visualize ideas for other people and thus making them tangible. We can create sketches, prototypes, or concept drawings. We can sync people’s imagination of what a thing needs to look like, we can help to take a look into the future.

Designers Have the Power and Responsibility to Improve Society. There’s not one part of our everyday lives that design doesn’t touch, from the products we purchase to the spaces where we work. With the ability to influence our values and expectations in so many ways, designers have a responsibility to use their skills for good to improve lives, create opportunities, and bring people together.

Now you can reach the entire world within minutes with a help of design, it has never happened in the history of humanity.

The designs work for a better world and it has always been proved.

Thank you for reading :)



Ruturaj B
Ruturaj B

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